Accessible Yoga

“If you can breath, you can do yoga”.

Yes, you can access the life changing benefits of yoga whatever your illness or disability, through modified practices, adaptations and the use of props. Yoga is a powerful tool for physical and mental health, empowering and spiritual awakening, and everyone deserves to have access.


  • WIth more than 15 years of clinical experience as an Occupational therapist, I am particularly well suited to work with people living with neurological conditions (such as SCI, stroke or cerebral palsy), musculo-skeletal disorders and learning disabilities.
  • I am certified to teach the Yoga for health 10 sessions protocol, recommended by the NHS for preventive care of pre-diabetes, cardio-vascular risque, obesity and mild depression.
  • I am also qualified to teach yoga for children with special needs (attention, learning or sensory issues).
  • I am getting many requests about the use of yoga to live better with long-COVID and chronic or persistent pain. If you live with any of these conditions, and you are willing to  work with me in co-creating body of knowledge, please reach out .